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Arrington Statement on 45 Day Funding Extension

WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, Representative Jodey Arrington (TX-19) issued the following statement regarding his vote in support of H.R. 5860, the 45 day funding extension that passed the House and Senate yesterday:

“Supporting a short term, 45 day funding extension was the best of bad options after Republicans failed to pass a unified funding bill that included conservative wins like strong border security measures and significant cuts to woke and wasteful spending. 

A shut down, in this scenario, was unwise for at least two reasons.

First, our Republican conference failed to pass funding bills on time like we promised and the American people should not bear the consequences of our failure. That’s why I recently introduced a “No Appropriations, No Recess” bill to force Congress to stay in Washington until we finish our work.  Politicians, not the American people, should be accountable for their failure to fund the government.

Secondly, we had to preempt the Democrat Senate from jamming their spending package through the House including $6B in Ukraine funding, which would have taken away our leverage for demanding border security funding in a final bill.

As we continue to work through the appropriations process, I will only support bills that cut spending, root out Washington waste, and advance real border security measures.

After finalizing FY24 funding, we must begin dealing with the real debt drivers by implementing our ten-year balanced budget, which passed out of my committee for the first time in 5 years and saves $16T.  The GOP’s fiscal path to balance will address Washington’s deficit spending addiction and unsustainable national debt, and restore fiscal responsibility in our Nation’s Capital before it’s too late.”
