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Presidential Inauguration Ticket Request

The President and Vice President of the United States will be sworn into office during a ceremony on Wednesday, January 20, 2021. This inauguration ceremony will be held on the west front of the U.S. Capitol and managed by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC).
The JCCIC will provide Members of Congress a limited set of viewing area tickets to distribute, most of which are for a standing area at or near the east end of the National Mall.  If you would like to request tickets to the presidential inauguration, please complete the following steps:
  1. Read the “Preliminary Points” section of this Form.
  2. Fill out “Ticket Request Information Sheet” section of this Form.
  3. Return the Form to the D.C. Office of Congressman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) as directed at the bottom of the Form.
Preliminary Points
  • The JCCIC will not inform Members of Congress how many viewing area tickets they will be provided until a few weeks after the presidential election occurs on November 3, 2020. The Office of Congressman Jodey Arrington will not grant requests for inauguration tickets until the JCCIC has made its announcement to Members of Congress regarding what the Members will be getting. 
  • The JCCIC does not release the actual tickets to Members of Congress until about a week before the inauguration ceremony itself. For those who get tickets, receiving them may require reliance on a commercial overnight mail service.
  • Ticket requests from persons who are not residents of the 19th Congressional District of Texas will not be answered.
  • Ticket requests that do not include a fully filled-out Information Sheet will not be answered.

Required fields are followed by *.

Contact Information
Request Details
If you requested more than 2 tickets, would you make use of just 2 tickets if 2 tickets were granted? [If you requested 1 or 2 tickets, skip this question.]
The largest number of tickets granted to Members of Congress by the JCCIC are National Mall area tickets, near Third Street (see a map of the Reflecting Pool and the eastern end of the National Mall in Washington). If you were provided tickets in this area, would you attend the inauguration and utilize them?