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ICYMI: Chairman Arrington Joins Mornings with Maria to Discuss Cost of Border Security, CBO Baseline

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) joined “Mornings with Maria” on Fox Business to discuss border security and fiscal challenges facing our nation. 


Click HERE to watch Chairman Arrington on Mornings with Maria. 

Chairman Arrington on Border Security:

“The Mayorkas impeachment was [held] for reasons that have been obvious to the American people for three years. He had no intention of enforcing the laws of the land. He didn’t fulfill his sacred oath to his security mission to guard and control the border. 

And as I said, he misled the American people; people got hurt, and there was a serious and systemic injury to society. That's why we have impeachment and our fidelity, regardless of what happens in the Senate; our fidelity is to the Constitution and to the first and most important job of the federal government, which is to protect our citizens.”

Chairman Arrington on his Amicus Brief to Allow Texas to Secure its own Borders

“Texas passed a law to make it a criminal offense to enter our state illegally, making all illegal crossings subject to apprehension, detention, and or deportation. 

But look, Texas has done things like the razor wire fencing, the buoy barriers [and more]. But there is still an invasion. And the states have an inherent and sovereign and constitutional right of self-defense. So, not only is this Administration not doing their job, not enforcing the law, nor fulfilling their sacred oath to providing a defense, but the Biden Administration has also aggressively obstructed our state leaders in doing their job to defend our border and protecting our citizens. 

We are all in to support.”

Chairman Arrington on Government Spending:

“CBO tells us that we're in rapid fiscal decline that we're going to add nearly $20 trillion to the debt in the next 10 years. 

CBO’s baseline projects net interest costs to reach $1.6 trillion by 2034, which is more than we spend on defense or Medicaid. If we don't intervene—and intervene in a big way—we're going to inflict irreparable harm… which will undermine everything security, the economy and our future.”

Chairman Arrington on Today's Hearing:

“[Released in a report at the end of last year]: CBO got their projections on the annual deficit wrong by more than one trillion dollars because they made rosier assumptions on economic growth… on interest and interest expensing. That is going to be a serious line of question for today. Whether it was Fitch or Moody's Analytics… they're not projecting the rosy scenarios that we're hearing from CBO.”
