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Arrington Secures Over $30 Million for Dyess Air Force Base in House Passed Appropriations Legislation

  • dyess thumbnail

Washington, D.C. – Today, Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) issued the following statement after House passage of Fiscal Year 2024’s Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act (H.R. 8580): 

“This legislation clearly outlines our commitment to our servicemembers - both as they defend our nation on active duty and when they return home. It upholds our veterans’ constitutional rights, cuts woke and wasteful spending by defunding Critical Race Theory and DEI, and refocuses America’s military from an implosion of extreme far-left ideology toward a laser focus lethality in defense against foreign adversaries such as China.

“I’m especially proud to continue delivering critical investments for Dyess Air Force Base, including over $30 million for infrastructure and resources to support the B-21 beddown. This funding will equip and support our Dyess airmen, the tip of the spear of our air arsenal, to ensure safety and success in their most important mission - to provide for the common defense.”

To support the B-21 beddown at Dyess Air Force Base, H.R. 8580 includes: 

  • $12.8M for a B-21 Logistics Readiness Squadron Fuels Admin Lab
  • $18.5M for a B-21 Refueler Truck Yard
