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Arrington Urges Support of His NDAA Amendments Honoring Lubbock Veteran Caleb Smither

  • 6.12.24 Smitty thumbnail
Washington, D.C. – Today, House Budget Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) delivered a floor speech in support of two of his amendments in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which honor 19-year-old Lubbock native Private Second Class Caleb “Smitty” Smither, who died on active duty at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

Click HERE to watch Arrington’s floor speech.

"His mother, Heather, has worked relentlessly with the unconditional love for her son, that not only would his spirit live on, but would actually save the lives of other soldiers who would find themselves in the same predicament,” said Chairman Arrington on the House Floor. “I think we all care about our soldiers, our sons and daughters in uniform, and that we would want an abundance of precautions so that we could prevent this from happening, and I ask my colleagues for their support.”


On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, the House Armed Services Committee passed through committee the FY2026 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which included two of Arrington’s amendments honoring 19-year-old Lubbock native Private Second Class Caleb “Smitty” Smither.

Congressman Jodey Arrington’s amendments: 

1. Direct the Army to report to Congress on the implementation and enforcement of “Smitty Check” protocol, which was developed in response to Caleb Smither’s death, requiring the Army to thoroughly monitor service members following an injury; and 

2. Require the Department of Defense disclose on medical records whether a service member received care from a DoD doctor or a civilian doctor. 
