Arrington Applauds House Passage of 2018 Farm Bill
Washington, DC,
June 21, 2018
Today Congressman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) released the following statement after the House passed H.R. 2, the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018.
“As a trillion-dollar industry, agriculture is 5.5 percent of our total economy and employs over 21 million people, including one out of every seven people in the great state of Texas,” said Arrington. “The 2018 Farm Bill gives our producers much-needed certainty and stability, makes critical investments in rural infrastructure, and requires able-bodied adults to work in order to receive food stamps. Our food stamp reforms increase accountability, reduce waste and inefficiency, and - most importantly - break the cycle of government dependency and restore the dignity of work in this country.
“Thomas Jefferson said agriculture was the ‘first and most precious of all the arts.’ Jefferson’s words reflect the self-evident truth that if we cannot feed and clothe our own people, we are no longer an independent, self-sufficient nation. Not having to rely on other countries for our basic needs is a matter of national security, and the biggest reason this Farm Bill is so important to all Americans.
“America was pioneered and built by the grit, sweat, and determination of farmers throughout our great land. A farming heritage is ingrained in the very fabric of our country, and this Farm Bill will ensure that our farmers and ranchers have the support they need and keep farming part of America’s future.”
For more information on the 2018 Farm Bill, click here.