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Arrington Highlights District 19 Tax Reform Stories on House Floor

Congressman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) joined Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady (TX-08) and other members of the Texas delegation on the House floor to highlight stories of Texans who have benefited from tax reform.


The full transcript of Arrington’s speech follows below: “I want to thank my friend, the gentleman from Michigan, Mr. Mitchell, for hosting us and giving us the opportunity from the great state of Texas to talk about all the positive effects of this recent tax reform and tax relief for the American people. “And Mr. Speaker, I am proud to have helped pass this historic tax relief for the American people and deliver on a promise that we would grow this economy, we would create jobs, and we would improve the overall quality of life for all Americans. “I represent hardworking, God-fearing, freedom-loving people in rural West Texas. They produce the food, fuel and fiber for this great country. They feed and clothe the American people and they fuel this great American economy. “The burden of high taxes and regulations hurt all of our job creators, but they have a disproportionate negative impact on the little guys in rural America - our small businesses, our community banks, our family farmers and ranchers, our independent energy producers. “And I can say, with great confidence, having been back to the district, having talked to numerous people from all over those 29 counties I represent in the broad swath of land in West Texas - this tax cut and reform package is pro-energy, it’s pro-agriculture, and ladies and gentlemen, it’s pro-rural America. “Back in my district we hosted some roundtables with small businesses, with the Chambers of Commerce – we had various events that I participated in - and we even conducted surveys. And, according to our survey, over 80% of the people I represent say that this tax reform package has helped everybody. “At one of our roundtable events, we had a veteran-owned, agri-businessman who said that he had 600 new customers this January over last year. And he said the effects of that were that he converted some of his part-time workers to full-time and gave folks a raise. “At Happy State Bank, the employees are happy and there are happy days for that organization because they are saving $5 million and plowing it back into their human capital. Six-hundred out of 700 Happy State Bank employees will receive an increase in their pay and benefits. Some will receive over a 50% pay increase. “Now, this is not crumbs to the folks that I represent in West Texas. This is real cash in the pockets of real Americans who work hard every day to make ends meet. “There has been a change in West Texas and for once, it's not the weather. “There is a renewed optimism. You can hear it in their voices. You can see it in their faces. “Mr. Speaker, we are witnessing a great American comeback and the formula hasn't changed from the beginning of this great experiment. “Limit the government and you will unleash the limitless potential of the American people. “God bless America and go West Texas.”
