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KTAB: Working to bring the B-21 to Dyess

Local representation such as the Military Affairs Committee, along with federal representation from House Representative Jodey Arrington ae in constant communication with D.C. contacts promoting Dyess as a perfect base for the upcoming B-21 Bomber. "So we are very engaged in this," commented Arrington. According to Arrington, the visit from Chairman of the Armed Services Mac Thornberry to Dyess recently will play out in favor of Abilene. "He was very impressed by the community and the folks at Dyess," Arrington continued. The placement of the B-21 at Dyess could also increase the economic impact Dyess has on Abilene which nearly $1,000,000 each day. "I think it's going to be a huge boon to Dyess and to the local community and economy," finished Arrington. New bombers mean, according to former Dyess Commander Michael Bob Starr, additional construction, and that means jobs in the short term and security for the base in the long term. "If and when there is another base realignment or closure, that new construction becomes factored into whether or not we close a base in which we've already made this big investment in," Starr commented. On top of all the other positives, the new bombers would allow Dyess to continue their long time mission. "Of all the military installations in Texas, the only one where we can fight our nation's enemies from Texas soil, is Dyess Air Force Base because we have that bombing mission, and it think that's important. As a member of the Abilene community, I'd certainly like to see that stay," finished Starr.