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Arrington Statement on the Senate Farm Bill

Today Congressman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) released the following statement on the Senate Farm Bill, the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018. “Farmers across America are struggling with the steepest decline in net farm income since the Great Depression. Without a strong Farm Bill delivered on time, they will not be able to continue feeding and clothing the American people and fueling our economy. “I commend the Senate for passing their version of the Farm Bill, which maintains many of the same provisions in the House Farm Bill, including a strong and reliable safety net and language similar to my House amendment to help sustain rural health care. However, I am disappointed the Senate did not address the long-overdue and much-needed reforms to the food stamp program, which accounts for roughly 80% of Farm Bill spending. Without requiring able-bodied adults to work to receive government assistance, we will continue trapping low-income Americans in a bleak cycle of government dependence and poverty instead of a bright future of prosperity and self-reliance. With tremendous growth in our economy and millions of surplus jobs in America, there has never been a better time to promote the dignity of work and self-reliance.  Additionally, as the Representative for the largest cotton producing region in the United States, I have concerns about an amendment that, if adopted in the final Farm Bill, would weaken market stability for U.S. cotton producers and manufactures.  “As the House and Senate engage in negotiations on a final Farm Bill, I will continue fighting for West Texas and a strong and prosperous agriculture economy in the United States.”