ICYMI: Arrington Joins Fox Business to Discuss Failed Policies of Biden, Harris
July 25, 2024
Washington, D.C. –House Budget Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) joined “Mornings with Maria” on Fox Business to discuss Vice President Kamala Harris’ far-left policies, the Biden-Harris border crisis, and more.
Arrington on Vice President Harris: “I know Vice President Harris because I think she's had the greatest influence over the failed economic agenda of this Administration. I'm not sure how long President Biden has been incapacitated, but I think he was a person who was obsessed with placating the left. Here's the issue with Kamala Harris and people should take this to heart. She is the left. She's to the left of Bernie Sanders, according to nonpartisan scorekeepers in terms of her legislation. She was all in on the Green New Deal. She's all in for government control of your health care, and she's made comments about controlling how much red meat we take in as American consumers.” Arrington on Biden-Harris Economic Policies “Look, the $7 trillion in deficit spending, the paying people not to work, the assault on the lifeblood of our economy, our energy producers and domestic energy, has created a cost-of-living crisis, the likes of which we have not experienced since Jimmy Carter. And it's sticking. Interest rates are high as a result. Nobody can afford a home or a car. These are the things that come from her leftist views of government control and central planning as opposed to economic freedom which leads to prosperity. So, I think we know a lot more about her economic platform than most people think.” Arrington on Vice President Harris’ Radical Policies “It’s tens of trillions of dollars for the Green New Disaster, not to mention they would destroy our energy economy and turn us into a third world country. It's 30 plus trillion dollars for this single payer system, the government controlling our health care, and controlling the means of production. Redistributing wealth is socialism. She's full-fledged socialism, and there's no way you can pay for it. We're already $35 trillion in debt and she wants to double down on the spending, the taxing, and the regulating, of the first four years of the Biden-Harris Administration. She would destroy the greatest economy in the world that underpins our quality of life, and the prosperity for our children. Big time disaster. I think the American people are pretty clued in on it quite right.” Arrington on Biden-Harris Border Crisis "I harken back to what I heard growing up: when somebody tells you who they are, you should believe them. As a Democrat candidate for president at one time, she was the first to raise her hand to say we should decriminalize illegal crossings. She said that we should abolish ICE, and give illegal immigrants free health care. Free to them, not to the American taxpayer. She's accomplished that as Border Czar. ###