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Arrington Introduces Legislation to Rename Inflation Reduction Act to LIED Act

  • lied act thumb

Washington, D.C. – House Budget Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) introduced legislation to rename the Inflation Reduction Act to the Lied About Inflation and Energy Dependence (LIED) Act.

 “The Biden-Harris administration and Congressional Democrats intentionally misled the American people with the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” - which had nothing to do with curbing the inflationary firestorm set off by their tax and spend agenda. In reality, the IRA was a partisan bill packed with progressive pet projects that cost American taxpayers more than $800 billion.

“President Biden himself admitted it had “less to do with reducing inflation” and more to do with spending billions on their climate change agenda and making America more reliant on foreign energy.

“That’s why I am introducing legislation to rename the Inflation Reduction Act the Biden-Harris “Lied About Inflation and Energy Dependence” (LIED) Act to end the charade and expose this bill for what it always has been - a failed liberal spending spree that crippled our economy and left working American families worse off.”
