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Arrington Testifies in Support of House Budget Resolution

  • ja rules testimony thumb
Washington, D.C. –  Today, House Budget Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) testified before the House Rules Committee, where he made the case for the House Republican budget framework that delivers on all of President Trump’s transformative America First agenda with “one big beautiful bill.”

Click HERE to watch Chairman Arrington's Opening Statement
Opening Statement as Prepared:

In the most consequential election of our lifetime, Americans resoundingly elected President Trump to reverse course on the failed policies of the last four years - restoring law and order, safety and security, a strong economy, an affordable cost of living, and hope for an overall better quality of life and brighter future. In other words, as President Trump likes to say: “To Make America Great Again!!”

The last four years of unbridled spending and bad economic policies ignited a cost-of-living crisis that crushed American families and small businesses alike.

Skyrocketing prices pummeled the bottom line of American businesses, eroded Americans’ purchasing power, and stretched family budgets to their breaking point.

Today, we take an important step in unlocking the policies that will:

  • Provide critical relief for families,
  • Reignite an economic comeback, and
  • Restore fiscal health to our nation by reining in Washington’s runaway taxes, spending, and regulations.

Our resolution also recognizes the need to provide critical resources for securing the border and strengthening our military as our Commander in Chief reestablishes the first and most important job of the federal government – to provide for the common defense.

President Trump asked for one comprehensive bill to implement the FULL America First agenda, and that's exactly what the House Budget Committee has delivered.

Now is the time for Republicans in both chambers to follow President Trump’s lead by passing it - making these commonsense policies a reality for the American people. 

This balanced-budget resolution will achieve the following objectives:

In order to make America Prosperous Again:

  • We will reverse Biden’s spending spree and bend the curve on mandatory spending that is driving our unsustainable debt;
  • We will lock-in tax cuts for hardworking families and small businesses crushed by a cost-of-living crisis;
  • We will open up domestic energy production and drive costs down for consumers;
  • We will release the regulatory stranglehold that is choking our job creators and compromising economic freedom; and
  • We will right-size the bloated bureaucracy and root out the massive waste and fraud in the People’s government.

And in order to Make America Safe Again:

We will provide critical resources to our border patrol agents and our troops to strengthen our military, secure our border, and rebuild our military readiness.

This budget reconciliation process is not just an exercise in matching revenues with outlays.

More importantly — WE are reconciling the difference between the American people’s interest, expectations, and values, AND their federal government which has lost its way, forgotten who it serves, and too often has failed to faithfully, fairly, and efficiently execute the laws of the land.

And, if we learned anything from the November election — the American people want a strong and competent leader, commonsense policies, and an agenda that puts America first.

They want their country back – safe, strong, and free.

And that’s exactly what we intend to deliver for them!

The members of the Budget Committee have answered the call and met this moment with the urgency it demands with all 21 Republicans voting unanimously out of Committee — the fastest passage of a budget resolution in the Budget Committee’s 50-year history.

We must meet this moment with the urgency it demands to protect the most vulnerable and make our government efficient and accountable before we bankrupt the country and foreclose on our children’s future.

This budget resolution provides the fiscal framework for what will be one of the most consequential pieces of legislation in modern history and the principal legislative vehicle for delivering on President Trump’s America First agenda.

I urge my colleagues to support.
