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Arrington Joins Colleagues in Introducing Election Integrity Legislation

WASHINGTON – Today, Rep. Jodey Arrington (TX-19) was one of 30 original cosponsors of the Save Democracy Act, common-sense legislation that aims to restore faith in our country’s elections systems and processes.

“Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our constitutional republic. We must restore America’s confidence in the integrity of our elections, which was seriously undermined by the weak and unreliable voting rules in the 2020 Presidential Election,” said Arrington.

“The Save Democracy Act will protect states’ sovereignty while ensuring integrity for all through basic standards and safeguards in national elections.”

Here’s what the bill does:

Voter Registration:

  • Prohibits automatic voter registration for federal elections.
  • Requires voter citizenship verification to register to vote in federal elections.
  • Requires full Social Security Numbers (SSN) to register to vote in federal elections.
  • Requires federal courts to notify state election officials when an individual is excused from jury duty because they are not a citizen.

Casting of Ballots:

  • Prohibit states from sending out unrequested absentee ballots for federal elections.
  • Bars anyone other than the voter, an election official, or the post office from submitting a ballot to a polling location during federal elections.
  • Prohibits use of public ballot collection boxes in federal elections.
  • Requires that absentee ballots be received by the close of election day for federal elections.
  • Requires a voter to provide proof of I.D. for absentee voting and in-person voting in federal elections, creating equal treatment for all ballots.
  • Requires voters to produce a matching SSN printed on their ballot in federal elections. Additionally, requires election officials to cross-check the SSN on a ballot with the voter’s registration and submit such data to Congress.

Tabulation of Ballots:

  • Requires that at least two representatives of each Presidential campaign in a general election be permitted to observe polls and vote counting operations.
  • Requires that ballot counting, once begun, continue until completed—no delays or pauses.
  • Requires the audit of ballot tabulation systems within the 30-day period following a federal election.

To view the full text of the bill, click here.