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Arrington Introduces Resolution Supporting U.S. Withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement

Today, Congressman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) announced the introduction of H.Res. 676, which encourages the United States to formally withdraw from the 2016 Paris Climate Agreement. The Agreement, which went into effect on November 4, 2016, did not have congressional approval and resulted in burdensome regulatory measures that put the United States at a competitive disadvantage, costing American jobs and increasing energy costs for consumers and taxpayers. Congressman Arrington’s resolution recommends the U.S. should formally submit its notification to withdraw at the earliest possible date allowed under the Agreement, highlighting that the United States can officially exit the Agreement as early as November 4, 2020. “At a time when American innovation is leading the way in environmental stewardship, the Paris Agreement is political window dressing, at best. This feel-good measure would have no meaningful impact on international air quality but, instead, would levy a huge tax on middle and working class families, costing Americans $250 billion dollars and 2.7 million jobs,” said Arrington. “As a result, Americans would be forced to pay higher prices at the pump and for their homes; all the while, giving a pass to the world’s biggest polluters.  Today, I am introducing legislation that will ensure Americans will no longer be bound by this feckless, inequitable, and economically crippling agreement.” Representatives Jim Banks (IN-3), Rob Bishop (UT-1), Liz Cheney (WY), James Comer (KY-1), Ron Estes (KS-4), Paul Gosar (AZ-4), David McKinley (WV-1), Mark Meadows (NC-11), Markwayne Mullin (OK-2), Gary Palmer (AL-6), Chip Roy (TX-21), and Randy Weber (TX-14) are all original cosponsors of the resolution supporting U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. “The Paris Agreement is not an effective way to make our communities and economy resilient to environmental and security challenges. It would do very little to achieve the stated objectives, clearly demonstrated by China, who continues to pollute and emit CO2 at record levels,” said Rep. Chip Roy (TX-21). “I am confident the United States will continue to lead the world with economic growth and human ingenuity, not regressive international agreements that leave us less prepared to face the obstacles of the future.” “The Paris Climate Agreement is an unconstitutional treaty negotiated by President Obama, and the United States should never have been a part of it in the first place. Not only is it a clear violation of the Constitution, it would harm the American economy and American workers,” said Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ-4). “The very same agreement that would harm the United States, also let’s China off the hook, despite being the world’s largest polluter. Under President Trump’s administration we are producing more energy than ever, exporting it to our allies around the world, and lead the world in carbon emissions reductions.” “This international agreement unfairly bound our hands behind our back in our urgent contest with China,” said Rep. Jim Banks (IN-3). “Not to mention the agreement was regressive and hurt our society’s most vulnerable citizens the most. Any climate proposal that does not adequately address China’s problem with pollution is worthless and irresponsible.” "Anyone who actually looks into components of the Paris Climate Agreement knows that it puts the United States at a competitive disadvantage and hurts consumers and taxpayers through needless increased energy costs," said Rep. James Comer (KY-1) "I'm glad to support this resolution and support President Trump’s decision to withdraw from this agreement to see that burdensome regulatory measures that cost Americans valuable jobs are put to an end." “The American economy has seen record growth in the last few years, and the Paris Climate Accord will only be a hindrance to that progress as it currently stands," said Rep. Gary Palmer (AL-6) "It has enacted burdensome regulations on many industries while doing little to practically address climate change. In the long run, it will cost America jobs and put the country at an economic disadvantage. I am proud to co-sponsor H. Res. 676 and hope it will expedite the U.S.’s official withdrawal from the Paris Agreement so that our economy can continue to grow unhindered by the unnecessary regulations of the Agreement.” “The Paris Climate Agreement forces the United States to comply with strict, job-killing emissions standards, while doing nothing to hold the world’s largest polluters accountable,” said Rep. Markwayne Mullin (OK-2). “We are already the leader in reducing CO2 emissions and I am confident that we will remain the leader after leaving this burdensome agreement. We cannot have an effective climate policy that puts the United States at a disadvantage with our economic competitors.” Congressman Arrington’s resolution has additional support from Americans for Tax Reform, American Energy Alliance, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Energy 45, Freedom Works, Heritage Action for America, and Life:Powered. Grover Norquist, President, Americans for Tax Reform: "The Obama Administration’s Paris Climate Accord promised to ship billions of taxpayer dollars overseas while killing jobs and raising energy costs here at home. Obama’s decision to handcuff our economy and commit ourselves to a less competitive United States was a foolish choice and the reason why Congress never approved of the agreement. The U.S. should officially exit the Paris agreement at the first available opportunity and continue its current path of energy dominance." Tom Pyle, President, American Energy Alliance: “The Paris Agreement prioritized international virtue signaling over the concerns of American families, seeking to hobble the American economy with unnecessary regulations and higher energy costs. Rep. Arrington’s resolution would correct that error and return focus to domestic economic prosperity.  Withdrawing from this bad deal at the earliest opportunity should be the chief priority of Congress.” Mandy Gunasekara, Founder, Energy 45: “Congressman Arrington is standing up for the tens of thousands of oil and gas workers in his district that are fueling our robust economy. He is also bringing bold, new leadership into the international climate discussion. Where the last administration sold out our American workers to curry favor with the international elite, Congressman Arrington’s resolution advances an effective, America First approach to environmentalism that will continue our word-leading emissions reductions.” Jason Pye, VP of Legislative Affairs, FreedomWorks: "Rep. Arrington's resolution perfectly encapsulates the many issues with the Paris Climate Agreement. The deal was an unconstitutional abuse of executive power that put American businesses and American families behind the rest of the world. There is no time too soon to get out of this disastrous agreement, and Congress should affirm that we should do just that at the earliest possible date." The Honorable Jason Isaac, Senior Manager and Distinguished Fellow, Life: Powered: “Three years in, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the Paris Agreement is a sham. Its anti-energy, globalist ideas are not only detrimental to our economy, but also utter failures at their ultimate goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. While the rest of the world continues its empty political posturing, America will continue to embrace our vibrant energy industry and continue to lead where it matters: clean air, clean water, and lifting people out of poverty. We should urge our allies and trading partners to follow in our footsteps.” Heritage Action for America: "The Paris Climate Agreement was entered without the consent of Congress or the American people, and Rep. Arrington's resolution rightly calls for the U.S. to formally withdraw from the agreement. The agreement's provisions created undue burdens on American taxpayers, blue-collar workers, and every household in America. Our nation is already a world leader in both energy and environmentalism -- withdrawing from this unnecessary accord would be a win for all Americans." Myron Ebell, Director, Center for Energy and Environment, Competitive Enterprise Institute: “Representative Arrington’s resolution provides critical support at just the right time for President Trump’s most important deregulatory action—withdrawing from the Paris climate treaty. We hope the resolution will attract many co-sponsors.”   CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE ABOVE TO READ THE FULL TEXT OF H.RES. 676.