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Rep. Arrington Op-Ed: We Must Also Flatten The Curve of Rural Hospital Closures

Today, Rep. Arrington stressed the importance of providing equitable support for rural communities and their health care providers in the following Washington Examiner op-ed. To read the full piece, click here:

“Hiding in the shadows cast by big city outbreaks, the novel coronavirus has now quickly spread to more than 1,000 rural communities,” the editorial reads. “This pandemic’s sweep of our nation’s prairies and plains comes as hundreds of rural hospitals are on the verge of closure, potentially leaving tens of thousands of people without access to local emergency health services during the contagion’s peak and permanently devastating rural economies.”

“Our nation’s leaders cannot leave rural America without resources to combat this pandemic. It is essential that these facilities, critical in the fight against COVID-19, can access the Paycheck Protection Program. This temporary and targeted assistance will be a lifeline to healthcare professionals and hospitals, which, in many cases, are the largest employers in the community. As we move forward, relief and recovery packages must provide equitable support for rural communities and their providers to do what they do best — take care of rural Americans.”

Jodey Arrington  is a member of the U.S. House of Representatives serving Texas's 19th Congressional District. He serves as a member of the House Ways and Means Committee and as co-chair of the Committee’s Rural Health Care Task Force.