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Congressman Arrington Re-Launches Congressional Energy Export Caucus

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) along with Congresswoman Carol Miller (WV-01), Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28), and Congressman Lou Correa (CA-46) re-launched the bipartisan Congressional Energy Export Caucus. The mission of the Energy Export Caucus is to execute an all-of-the-above pro-American energy trade agenda.

The Energy Export Caucus focuses on using the full power and authority of the federal government to send American energy to markets around the world. The United States produces safer, cleaner, and more efficient energy than anyone else resulting in better energy solutions for our allies, partners, and developing nations in need.

The Energy Export Caucus will promote and maintain certainty for the global energy markets. Regardless of which party holds the Speaker’s gavel, the Energy Export Caucus’s agenda remains the same: to promote and protect American energy exports throughout the world.

This bipartisan, pro-American energy caucus will fortify global energy trade, reaffirm America's commitment to producing all-of-the-above energy, and introduce pragmatic energy solutions.

“America and our allies around the globe depend on the natural resources produced in Texas, which is why it’s critical to expand markets for our producers and lower costs for hardworking families. Our recommitment to producing reliable, inexpensive, and clean energy signals to global energy markets that the United States can provide our allies with a much-needed affordable and abundant energy supply,” said Congressman Arrington. “I am proud to relaunch the Congressional Energy Export Caucus to promote free and fair trade and a pro-energy agenda that expands our economy, strengthens our national security, and supplies American energy to the world.”

“For more than 160 years, West Virginia coal and gas have been powering the world and building our nation from the ground up,” said Congresswoman Miller.“Being the founder and co-chair of the Energy Export Caucus, I am working in a bipartisan manner to establish certainty in global energy markets and ensure America is energy independent. Securing the United States leadership on global energy trade advances our interests and puts us at a strategic competitive advantage. Leading and growing the Energy Export Caucus is a top priority for me in the 118th Congress."

“The United States is an energy powerhouse, poised to become a key trailblazer in global markets. However, we must create consistent and cohesive policies on energy exports to ensure our country's future prosperity,” said Congressman Cuellar. “I was proud to lead the efforts to lift the oil export ban, and I am once again proud to stand alongside my colleagues to create the Energy Export Caucus to bring bipartisan, sustainable, and affordable solutions that will boost economic growth, increase wages and employment, expand trade, and strengthen our national security. I look forward to working with Representatives Miller, Arrington, and Correa on this initiative.”

“There is no doubt that America’s National Security depends on our energy independence,” said Congressman Correa. “Our work in the Energy Export Caucus will help American innovators share their technologies with the world, while also paving the way for better and cleaner energy to be developed, manufactured, and deployed right here in the United States. A green and sustainable future depends on American leadership and technological development—and together, Congress can support and invest in our green future while ensuring American leadership and energy independence.”

Agenda of the Energy Export Caucus:

  • U.S. Energy Security: Energy security is national security. With energy independence, we can put American interests first while supporting existing allies and fostering new relationships to promote our national security and global stability.
  •  American Trade Competitiveness: The Energy Export Caucus will rearm U.S. leadership on global trade and advance our energy interests to put us at a competitive advantage over our strategic competitors, such as China and Russia. Through diplomacy and trade agreements, we will build international consensus to support free markets, transparency, and anti-corruption measures.
  • Economic Growth and Job Creation: Focusing on exporting American energy will grow our economy, strengthen existing industries, and support American communities. Our recommitment to the energy industry sends strong signals to the global energy markets that our policies provide certainty and competitiveness, bolstering the U.S. economy while creating job opportunities for generations of workers to come.
  • Invest in the Future: We are focused on implementing new technologies and practices to build our energy exporting capabilities. Carbon capture utilization, permitting reform, and advanced energy technology development will preserve and protect traditional energy, while bolstering research and innovation.

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