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Congressman Arrington Introduces the VA E-Notification Enhancement Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Representative Jodey Arrington (TX-19) joined Rep. Mike Levin (CA-49) to introduce the VA E-Notification Enhancement Act, legislation to allow the VA to communicate electronically with veterans. 

“In 2023, the VA should be able to contact veterans regarding their education benefits in the most efficient and effective way possibl
e.” said Rep. Arrington. “The VA E-Notification Enhancement Act will reduce the VA’s reliance on snail-mail to notify veterans of important benefits and will give veterans peace of mind that the VA can reach them.” 

“Our bill would streamline how veterans receive notifications for education benefits and allow them to receive these notifications electronically, making the process easier, quicker, and more efficient for veterans. Any improvements to how veterans receive services are a win for our nation’s heroes. I thank Rep. Arrington for his partnership on this bill and look forward to it moving quickly through the legislative process,” said Rep. Levin. 


The VA traditionally uses U.S. mail to notify individuals with existing entitlement their certificate of eligibility and award letters regarding receiving educational assistance. While there are some veterans that still need to use the mail-in method, most veterans can receive these notifications electronically.

What would this bill do?

  • Amend Title 38 section 3698 by inserting a new section allowing the VA to provide a certificate of eligibility or an award letter to individuals. 
  • Allow veterans to elect to opt out of electronic notification and return to the traditional mail notification.
  • Provide educational assistance under chapters 30, 33, 35 or providers of VET-TEC.
  • Lower the number of steps that must occur before a veteran is notified of their eligibility. 

The VA E-notification Enhancement Act would benefit the VA and the veterans they serve by increasing the notification speed of eligibility and reducing the loss of mail. Furthermore, this legislation would still allow veterans that do not have e-mail, or would prefer to receive their notifications through mail, to receive them through their preferred delivery method. 
