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ICYMI – Chairman Arrington on Fox News Sunday

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Sunday, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) joined Fox News Sunday to discuss the Limit, Save, Grow Act, Rep. Arrington’s debt ceiling legislation that passed the House on April 26th.  This bill is Republicans' plan to responsibly lift the debt ceiling while also reining in federal spending, saving taxpayer dollars, and growing the economy. Click here to watch Arrington’s full interview.

Chairman Arrington on House Republicans negotiating across the aisle on the debt ceiling:

"Republicans have put a responsible debt ceiling proposal together and passed it out of the House. So, there's plenty of time for the Democrats to respond to it. We've lifted the debt ceiling in our proposal, we'll pay our bills and protect the good faith and credit of the United States. But we're not going to give any politicians, including the president, a blank check to continue to bankrupt the country."

Chairman Arrington on Bidenflation and its impact on the American people:

"The American people are suffering with Biden’s spending-induced inflation. They're having to tighten their belts. They're changing their spending habits. Three out of four Americans expect this president and all of their elected leaders to do the same."

Chairman Arrington President Biden’s history of negotiating on the debt ceiling:  

"President Biden has negotiated – as vice president and as a senator – debt ceiling increases with commonsense spending controls and fiscal reforms. And we're just asking him to be a responsible leader and do that again."

Chairman Arrington on how to get our nation’s economy back on track: 

“I mean, it's the spending from this administration, the trillions of dollars, that has ignited the inflationary firestorm that Americans are suffering from. Of course, we need to right size and return to reasonable levels of spending. And we also need to get the economy growing again, get back to pro-growth, pro-work, pro-energy policies that will leash American prosperity, like we were enjoying pre-Covid.”
