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KFYO: Rep. Jodey Arrington Says Cotton Is Firmly In Place, Will Stay In Farm Bill

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On Thursday's edition of The Chad Hasty Show, District 19 Representative Jodey Arrington appeared on the program to discuss this week's mid term elections and their fallout, cotton in the farm bill, and much more. While speaking about the changes in the legislature and it's leadership in the wake of Tuesday's results, and what the public can expect with Democrats in charge of House,…

KFYO: Arrington: resistance and mob-rule working against democrats

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Thursday on The Chad Hasty Show District 19 Representative Jodey Arrington joined Chad in the KFYO studio to talk about what he's seeing in the state and the nation, with the mid-term elections fast approaching. While replying to Hasty's questioning about the loss of civility in the nation discourse, Arrington said, The obstruction, the resistance, the angst, the lack of civil order, the…

KFYO: Congressman Jodey Arrington talks Farm Bill and NAFTA

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Monday on KFYO Mornings with Dave King and Matt Martin Congressman Jodey Arrington, who is back in West Texas, joined Dave and Matt to talk about the farm bill, NAFTA, Obama back on the campaign trail, food stamps, and more. When asked if he thinks NAFTA will affect the Farm Bill, Congressman Arrington said he didn't think it would, but wanted to reiterate, "The president is once again…

Breckenridge American: U.S. Rep. Jodey Arrington meets with officials in Breckenridge, gives update on several key issues

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U.S. Rep. Jodey Arrington met with city and county officials Tuesday in Breckenridge and gave updates related to the national level, as well as issues rural areas such as Stephens County and Breckenridge are facing. Over the course of the talk, Arrington hit on a variety of issues, including the economy and welfare state, healthcare, taxes,  defense, President Donald Trump and the…

Abilene Reporter-News: Arrington outlines successes, challenges at Abilene chamber legislative forum

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U.S. Rep. Jodey Arrington addressed military strength, tax reform, the farm bill and reflections on the 9/11 terrorist attacks at a Chamber of Commerce legislative luncheon Tuesday. Acknowledging the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Arrington said it is important for the “collective consciousness of America” to remember the day's mixture of…

August in Photos

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School is back in full swing, and in a few short weeks, summer will turn to fall. It sure went fast, but as I reflect on the month of August I think of the good-hearted, God-fearing, freedom-loving people I had the opportunity to visit with. During the district work period, I traveled throughout our region to discuss our growing economy and how we can ensure a strong and prosperous future…

KCBD: Congressman Jodey Arrington talks on Wednesday about 2018 Farm Bill

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Facing an approaching deadline and a major sticking point he 2018 farm bill conference committee had its first public meeting in Washington D.C. on Wednesday. Congressman Jodey Arrington spoke about some of his concerns surrounding farm income, which is expected to fall again this year. "So the safety net to me is the heart of it. We spent 0.26 of 1% of the entire federal budget to get…

Arrington Opening Statement on Farm Bill Conference Committee

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Remarks as delivered: “I think this is as critical a time as ever to get a Farm Bill and get it on time, get it right and make sure the safety net is reliable and effective for our agriculture producers around the country. This is not just about the over 10 million jobs that agriculture creates – it is about national security, it is about food and fiber independence.…

FOX34: 2018 Farm Bill in conference committee, House and Senate discuss differences

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he 2018 Farm Bill is in conference committee. Nine senators, including majority leader Mitch McConnell and 47 representatives, will hammer out the differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. Namely whether to include work requirements for SNAP benefits. Lubbock Congressman and Conferee Jodey Arrington said seven million surplus jobs means there's…

Siouxland Proud: House-Senate Conference Committee work on farm bill compromise

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The House-Senate Conference Committee began its efforts to hash out a compromise on the farm bill. Lawmakers from both parties are not optimistic they can work out their differences before the current farm bill expires at the end of the month. North Dakota Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp says America's farmers are in crisis "We hear all the time about good economy, guess where it…