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Arrington Slams Biden for Allowing Over 1.6 Million Gotaways into U.S.

  • 5.15.24 thumbnail

Washington, D.C. – Today, Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) issued the following statement after it was discovered that President Joe Biden allowed over 1.6 million gotaways into the United States since taking office, which is more than the number of gotaways in the 10 years before he took office combined: 

“The most imminent threat to our national security is President Biden’s self-inflicted border crisis. Not only has he created this unmitigated disaster, but he’s actively obstructing states from doing what he refuses to do – secure our border. 

“On his watch, there have been more known gotaways, including terrorists, cartel members, criminals, than in the 10 years before he took office combined. 

“No responsible and self-respecting President would allow such brazen disrespect for our laws and our sovereignty. Our country cannot survive another 4 years of this administration, and the only way to change course is for the American people to change our leadership.”
