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Arrington Slams Senate Border Bill: “All Show and No Go”

Washington, D.C. – After the Senate once again failed to pass its “border security” legislation, which would accept 1.8 million illegal immigrants a year, codify catch and release, expand Mayorkas’ parole abuse, and empower human trafficking, Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) issued the following statement:

“The Senate’s self-proclaimed ‘toughest border security measures’ bill is all show and no go.

“In fact, the House already passed the toughest border security measures ever. We passed H.R. 2 a year ago, and it still sits untouched on Chuck Schumer’s desk today. If he’s serious about border security, pass H.R. 2. 

“At the very least, the Biden administration should immediately drop its aggressive lawfare against border states like Texas that are trying to secure the border and protect their citizens.”
