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Arrington Votes Against Bill to Terminate the President’s National Emergency Declaration

Today, Congressman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) released the following statement after voting against H.J.Res.46, a resolution to terminate President Trump’s declaration of a National Emergency over the national security and humanitarian crisis at the southern border. “Securing our borders to safeguard our sovereignty and protect the American people isn’t just a matter of good policy: it’s one of our first and most important constitutionally prescribed duties,” said Arrington. “Over the years, the federal government has been derelict in its duty to defend our border and provide for our defense. For too long, politicians have pontificated and postured that they would secure our borders and stop illegal immigration without solving the problem. Finally, President Trump is exerting the political courage necessary not just to fulfill a campaign pledge, but to uphold a Constitutional guarantee for all Americans. “The preamble to our Constitution charges the federal government with the preeminent responsibility to ‘provide for the common defense’ and Article IV goes even further by mandating that responsibility includes ‘protecting each of the states against invasion.’ “Additionally, Congress has already delegated the President with the authority to address the national security and humanitarian crisis at our southern border under the National Emergencies Act. President Trump is on solid legal ground in declaring a national emergency, something presidents have done 58 other times, including when President Clinton declared a national emergency to fight drug traffickers and when President Obama declared one to combat transnational gangs. “President Trump is doing the right thing, he’s doing the responsible thing, and he’s doing the Constitutionally necessary thing to secure the border and keep the American people safe. I stand behind the President 100% and I encourage my colleagues to do the same.”