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Arrington Demands President Biden Uphold Title 42

WASHINGTON, DC –Today, Congressman Jodey Arrington (TX-19)led over twenty of his colleagues in sending a letter to President Biden imploring him to prioritize the health and safety of the American people and maintain immigration restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 across the US border.

After analyzing the threat of COVID-19 spreading COVID-19 across the border from Mexico and Canada, President Trump implemented Title 42 to protect American citizens, especially those in border communities.Title42is imperative to preventing COVID-positive individuals from entering the US, and requires CBP to immediately reject entry of any individually attempting to illegally enter our country.

“As we’ve seen since day one, President Biden continues to cave to his far-left advisors and overturn commonsense policy simply because it was instituted by President Trump, all while ignoring the harmful implications for the American people,”said. Rep. Arrington.“The Trump Administration accurately assessed the risk of COVID-19 spread and implemented protective immigration measures that mitigated a growing health, humanitarian and national security crisis at our borders. As the Biden Administration places mandates and restrictions on our citizens, it would be hypocritical to overturn Title 42 and put the safety and security of the American people at risk.”

Excerpts from the letter:

“As you may know, illegal border crossings place a significant strain on law enforcement working to secure the border and healthcare workers trying to contain the spread of COVID-19 in these communities. Weakening or repealing Title 42 will put our CBP officers at risk, add additional strains to the healthcare delivery systems in border communities, and incentivize more illegal immigrants to come to the US at a time when we must prioritize the health and safety of Americans first.”

“With all the efforts the Trump Administration, and now your Administration, have taken to test, prevent, and treat our nation’s citizens and slow the spread of COVID-19, repealing Title 42 would be illogical and indefensible. In fact, your Administration requires American citizens to produce proof of a negative COVID-19 test upon returning to the US after traveling to another country. It would be ludicrous to require American citizens to present a negative COVID test upon reentry while simultaneously inviting illegal immigrants to enter our country with no testing requirement or regard for our rule of law.”


  • On March 21, 2020, President Trump implemented 42 U.S.C. § 265 authority after analyzing the threat of COVID-19 in Mexico and Canada to prioritize the health of American citizens and reject entry of any individual unlawfully entering the country.
  • Last Summer, CNN reported an “unprecedented surge across the border” for people with coronavirus crossing the US-Mexico border seeking medical care, overwhelming American hospitals in border towns. As the pandemic continues, the problem persists.

Full text of the letter can be found here.
