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Press Releases

Arrington on Central American Migrant Caravan

Today Congressman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) released the following statement on the migrant caravan heading towards the Unites States’ southernmost border. “The caravan of Central Americans who intend to illegally enter the United States is a direct affront on our sovereignty and poses a threat to the safety and security of our citizens. America is unquestionably the most generous and kind nation in the world, but don’t take us as fools. We will consider legitimate asylum claims, but we will not tolerate the exploitation of our immigration laws under the pretense of compassion. “Republicans in the House along with the President struck a deal on legislation that would have given legal status to DACA recipients in order to provide real border security and immigration enforcement - not a single Democrat voted for it. “I encourage the President to use every resource and authority as appropriate, including the use of our military to secure the border, protect our citizens, and enforce the letter and intent of our immigration laws.”