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Arrington Delivers Floor Speech on His Amendment to Defund Muleshoe Wildlife Expansion


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Washington, D.C. – Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) took to the House floor to speak on an amendment he introduced to the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act to defund the United States Fish and Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) proposed expansion of the Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge from 6,400 acres to 700,000 acres. 

“I rise to offer an amendment to defund the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s plan to expand the Muleshoe Wildlife Refuge by an unprecedented 1,000%,” said Chairman Arrington. “At a time when we have the highest level of indebtedness in the history of nation, while we spend almost a trillion dollars in interest to service the debt, the last we need to do is spend money to buy up more land to somehow either appease an environmental group or maybe just achieve - what seems to be an odd objective - having the federal government own and operate a third of our land.”

“Texas farmers and ranchers are the original stewards of our land and resources and have a great appreciation for conservation,” said Texas Farm Bureau President Russell Boening. “Texas Farm Bureau prioritizes private property rights and believes landowners should have the ability to choose how they manage their own property. Therefore, we have concerns about the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s plan to increase the federal footprint in West Texas by significantly expanding the Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge. The expansion poses serious concerns for farm and ranch families in the impacted area. Texas Farm Bureau supports Congressman Jodey Arrington’s amendment to challenge this plan, and we thank him for taking the lead on this issue. We look forward to working with the Congressman and other leaders in Washington to prevent federal overreach.”

“Farmers across the High Plains and Southern High Plains of Texas cherish our land as we work hard to produce high quality fiber for the U.S. and world,” said Plains Cotton Growers Inc. (PCG) President Travis Mires. “PCG strongly supports property owners’ rights to manage their land as they see fit. We appreciate Chairman Jodey Arrington’s action to mitigate this plan until a more mutually beneficial solution can be developed that protects private property rights and the rural communities that would be impacted by this initiative.”


Since the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) finalized its plan to expand the National Muleshoe Wildlife Preserve Congressman Arrington has: 
